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Small Group Employment

Small Group Employment is designed to support individuals in transitioning to competitive integrated employment. Various training sites offer individuals an opportunity to work in a job in the community; paid at least minimum wage, to gain practical work experience. ICW also helps individuals to find volunteer opportunities and other training/work experiences which will help them to become better prepared for competitive integrated employment. 


The current sites provide individuals with a variety of job skills: janitorial, food services, and assembly operations in a warehouse setting. 


Staffing Levels:

Staff to individual ratio of 1:10 to 1:6 

Staff to individual ratio of <1:6 to 1:3.5

Staff to individual ratio of <1:3.5 to 1:1 

Staff to individual ratio of 1:1



Staff Qualifications 

Small Group Employment staff member, Job Developer, and Program Specialists, have specialized training in employment in community-based settings and hold Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) Certification. This enables the staff to be highly qualified providers. These competencies cover the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in the field of employment for people with disabilities. 

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